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"I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which
God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in." -- George Washington Carver

Below is a portfolio of materials I have produced in both the academic and professional environments, as well as a few items produced independently. Note many of these links will open in a new window, such as ArcGIS online maps and scenes.

GIS Portfolio
Academic Papers and Presentations

Blasting Beyond Blast-off (PDF)

A technical analytical research report examining the use of blasting and explosives in Martian and lunar environments for construction and accessing natural resources. Topics include methods, equipment, and future regulations.

Soils Suitability Analysis of Ketner Valley, Jones Twp., Pennsylvania (PDF)

A technical environmental geology poster presentation examining soil suitability and land use for the defunct Ketner Dam area of Jones Twp., Pennsylvania near the town of Wilcox.

© 2021 by Christopher D. Catalano

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